We were saddened to hear of the death of dear friend and industry colleague Tony Lawrenson of Global Infusion Group. For some of us here at Unusual, our relationship with Tony harks back more than 30 years to the days of Rock and Roll gigs and tours - he and AJ were great friends. Tony set the standard for tour catering when he launched Eat to the Beat in 1984. He understood the importance of great food, served with a sense of humour and a friendly face, not just for the artists but also the crew backstage.

Our condolences go to Tony's family who have suggested donations, rather than carnations in his memory, with funds going directly to Stagehand. Tony was a founding member of the PSA and lifelong champion of the industry’s crew. At a time when things have never been tougher for the industry, it seems fitting that those who would like to celebrate Tony’s life can also help the crew who rely on it for a living and are finding things so difficult right now.

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